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My journey into handcrafting classical guitars has roots that stretch from the vibrant streets of Barcelona, Spain, to the serene landscapes of South Maine, in the town of York. Born and raised in Barcelona, the classical guitar—or “guitarra española” as we call it—has always been a part of my life. It’s an instrument that finds its way into many homes, often sitting quietly on top of a closet, waiting for its moment to sing. I remember those summer evenings in my childhood, listening to my uncle play the guitar while the sounds of playing children filled the streets, a cool relief after a hot day. The guitar he played, of modest quality but rich in memories, is still with me.

Our family guitar, which I attempted to play for years, never quite revealed its secrets to me. To this day, I play not on command, but for my own peace and enjoyment, and to hear the instruments I’ve created come to life. The idea of making my own Spanish guitar first occurred to me on a day in the heart of Barcelona, in Las Ramblas. I was looking for piano music for my brother in a shop—possibly Casa Beethoven—when I stumbled upon a book about making Spanish guitars. The list of tools it said I needed was long, and I had none of them, so I left the book behind. Yet, the idea lingered.

Years later, as my wife and I awaited the arrival of our first child—a period when I had some time away from my self-employed work—the idea resurfaced. With nothing but time and anticipation, I decided to begin crafting guitars in the province of Barcelona, against the backdrop of Montserrat, a mountain sacred to the Catalans. From that moment, my life has been dedicated to perfecting the craft of guitar making, always in pursuit of that elusive holy grail of guitar perfection, which I believe lies in a combination of hard work, passion, and the finest timber.

Now, living in the US with my family, my passion for creating classical guitars has only grown. Each guitar I make is a piece of my journey, a blend of my Spanish heritage and the life I’ve built here. 

Thank you for visiting and sharing in my story.